The Barcelona Zen Dojo was founded in 1979 by a small group of persons who were interested in practicing Zen meditation based on the teachings of Master Taisen Deshimaru.
Since then, in the dojo, (place where the Way is practiced) the teachings of the Buddhas and the patriarchs is followed.
In 1981, the master Taisen Deshimaru came to Barcelona and led a meditation retreat in Caldes de Montbui. This event was a significant driving force in the evolution of the recently established dojo in Barcelona.
At that time, Master Deshimaru donated a large, metal bell, ceremonial gong, a mokugyo (ceremonial instrument) and several sitting meditation cushions to the newly opened dojo. His visit did much to plant the seed of the dharma in Barcelona.
On the occasion of his visit, Master Deshimaru painted two exceptionally large calligraphies; one of the calligraphies depicts The Way, and the other The Dragon emerging from the Water. These two beautiful calligraphies are on permanent display at the Barcelona Zen Center.
At the death of Taisen Deshimaru in 1981, one of the master´s closest disciples, Étienne Mokusho Zeisler played a fundamental role in teaching the dharma in Barcelona. Etienne passed away in 1990, but continues to live in the hearts of the Barcelona sangha, and is especially remembered by the Center´s director Pedro Taiho Secorún.
Today Pedro Taiho Secorún practice under the supervision of Saikawa Roshi. The teachings of other masters of the International Zen Association are a generous source of spiritual nourishment to the Barcelona Zen Center.