Pedro Taiho Secorún was born in October 1955 and his zen practice began in 1979 after knowing the teachings of master Taisen Deshimaru (1914-1982). In 1983 he was ordered monk by Etienne Mokusho Zeisler (1946-1990), one of the successors of master Taisen Deshimaru. Pedro Taiho Secorún was his disciple until its death in 1990. He has received the dharma transmission (Shiho) from the zen master Dosho Saikawa Roshi who is responsible for the Soto Zen School in Latin America and is also the abbot of the Busshinji Temple, in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
He was a founder member of the Zen Center of Barcelona and has been also the publisher of the Zen Magazine that was published during ten years disseminating Zen teachings in Spanish.
He graduated in History and Information Sciences by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.